If you’re all about the popular “New Year, New Me”, then keep reading. 😉
Tired of setting the same resolutions every year and seeing no real change? Here’s how I rewrote my story—and how you can too.
A Fresh Start
2017 was a really shitty year for me. In December, just a week before Christmas, I moved to Miami for a fresh start. When the New Year came, I made a commitment to myself: to get better.
Out of nowhere, I decided to meditate daily, move my body regularly, read consistently to expand my horizons, and start my days for myself—by going to watch the sunrise on the beach almost every morning.
Honestly, I can’t fully explain what led me to make this decision. I just felt I needed to do something to climb out of the hole I was in.
“Don’t expect to see a change if you don’t make one.”
From 2018 to 2021, I poured myself into learning, growing, and changing. And let me tell you—it worked.
The Person I Was
I grew up with beliefs and behaviors I’m not proud of today.
I was racist, homophobic, close-minded, judgmental, scared of the world, and terrified of differences.
I did my best to fit in by behaving how I thought I was supposed to.
My ambitions were limited to following the traditional path, working until retirement, and then maybe finally enjoying life.
What Changed
Meeting my wife Rosie taught me to question my ideas and be more open-minded.
Coming from very different backgrounds, we naturally had very different views of the world when we met.
But since we’ve been together, she has always challenged my beliefs and offered new perspectives. I remember her asking things like, “Why do you care if they’re gay?” or saying, “Having a different skin color doesn’t make them bad people.”
These questions forced me to confront my biases and think differently. It wasn’t always easy, but it was so necessary.
Moving to Miami, a vibrant multicultural hub, became the perfect environment for change.
I read books, listened to people’s stories, and made a conscious effort to connect with individuals who had different beliefs, sexual orientations, skin colors, cultures, and educations.
I left my prejudices and misconceptions behind and actively listened.
One book that had a profound impact on me was The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. It didn’t just change how I saw work—it changed how I saw life. While reading it, I did a fear-setting exercise he described. That simple exercise blew away a lot of my self-limiting beliefs and opened the door to the lifestyle I’m living today.
Another book that shaped my mindset was The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. It introduced me to the idea of pursuing my “Personal Legend”—my unique life purpose—and trusting the signs the universe sends to guide me.
And because of all this, I met incredible people, formed meaningful connections, and learned lessons I couldn’t have imagined.
“You are the sum of who you surround yourself with.”
Why I Believe in Change
I deeply believe in the power of change—because I’m living proof that it’s possible. At any age, at any stage of life, you can do a complete 180.
Humans are amazingly adaptable. Our brains can rewire, our thoughts can evolve, and our actions can align with the person we truly want to be.
But here’s the catch: you have to WANT to change.
If you’re committed, if your “why” is strong enough, you will change. It doesn’t have to cost you a cent. You can start by reading books, watching videos, or having conversations with people outside your usual circle.
Want to Start Your Own Journey of Growth?
Here are two books that helped me begin mine:
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho: A short, impactful story about pursuing your personal legend and staying true to your path.
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz: A powerful guide to personal freedom and breaking free from limiting beliefs.
Pick one, read it with an open mind, and see how it resonates with you.
The Hard Truth
It’s not easy. Unlearning years—or even decades—of conditioning is hard. It takes effort to undo the patterns of thinking that feel ingrained. And it doesn’t happen overnight.
But with real commitment and consistency, you can change.
If you’re serious about making real changes in your life this year and don’t know where to start, feel free to reach out to me. I’m happy to offer some guidance or share tips to help you take that first step.
Cheers to growth and to becoming the person you want to be. You’ve got this. 💪
How do you know when it's time to make a big change in life? I really liked how you talked about moving to Miami and how that environment helped you grow. It’s crazy how just shifting where we are can open up new perspectives.
The part about challenging your own beliefs stood out to me a lot. Feels like a reminder that growth isn’t always comfortable, but it’s necessary.