I’m tired of seeing people hating their jobs.
🌐 Despite what the news and media say, the world has never been a better place. The opportunities we have now were barely conceivable 50 years ago. I know inequality exists, but overall, we live in a very abundant world.
We have access to more information than we could digest in multiple lifetimes… and most of it is completely free.
Yet still, the vast majority of people don’t like their jobs and aren’t satisfied with their professional situation.
I find it both sad and frustrating.
😕 Sad because it sucks to spend 40 hours a week doing something you genuinely dislike, something that doesn’t bring you any joy or fulfillment. And the impact of those 40 hours of misery is massive, affecting your off-time, mood, mental and physical health, sleep quality, and relationships.
It’s also sad that many people don’t believe there’s an option for them. They feel stuck in their situation with no way out. They’re completely blind to any other path.
😫 And it’s frustrating because most people don’t realize they have the power to change their situation. It might be an unpopular opinion, but too often, people prefer to complain rather than put in the work to actually change things… instead, they blame it all on external factors.
💡 A few decades ago, without the internet, and without the mobility and wealth of information we now have, you had to pick a job available nearby based on your skills.
But that’s no longer the case. The internet breaks down distances. It’s never been easier to move to a new part of the country or even to a different continent. And, as I mentioned earlier, it’s never been easier to learn new skills to evolve or completely change careers.
💪 Just because it’s easier doesn’t mean it’s easy. It takes energy, effort, time, patience, and sometimes risks… but the possibilities to find a fulfilling job are out there more than ever! Yet, change scares people. Too many aren’t willing to step out of their comfort zones to escape their misery. Instead, they spend hours explaining why they can’t change and why they’re stuck—blaming the current politics, economy, their kids, family, mortgage, boss, or parents. But most of that doesn’t matter nearly as much as they think. We have much more control than we realize.
🙋♂️ I know because I’ve been there. I spent the first half of my career thinking, “I need this job because it pays okay. It doesn’t matter if I like it or not; I have bills to pay and savings to build for a house. Plus, my parents invested a lot in my education—I can’t just throw that away.”
Luckily, I found a way out. I met the right people at the right time. It wasn’t an overnight thing, but I learned that there are jobs that can bring both joy and fulfillment. Later, I realized there are so many options I hadn’t even known existed. The deeper I dug, the more I saw there’s an endless number of choices out there.
💬 As Steve Jobs said:
“Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you, and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use.”
🌟 Love sports? You don’t need to be a top athlete. Every team has thousands of employees doing all sorts of things. Love entertainment? You can build a career in that world without being a famous actor. I could go on, but you get the point.
🚀 Don’t limit yourself based on your degree, location, or what others might think. Think outside the box. Think big. Our time on this planet is limited—why waste it doing something you hate every day?