It's funny because, for as long as I can remember, I never once thought or dreamt about having my own business. It's not that I didn't want to; it just never crossed my mind as a possibility. It wasn't a topic discussed in my household, and I didn't have any examples in my close circle.
Even as I embarked on my career, the idea didn't really occur to me. I always believed that entrepreneurship was reserved for incredibly intelligent or exceptional individuals, or at least that's what I thought. My focus was on building a career, securing a position in a reputable company, and climbing the corporate ladder to earn a substantial income.
It took working for a startup, EEWORX, at the end of 2014, to open my eyes to the possibility. When I joined, the company was just a few months old, with the three founders and one other employee. Over the six-plus years I spent there, I learned that "ordinary" people could start a business and find success! Many of my conversations with Julien Deleau and Julien Gomez, often during business trips, on trains, over sushi, or in other more unconventional settings that I won't mention here 😆, sparked something inside me. Being part of the company's early days, witnessing its growth and challenges, and participating in discussions about strategies, unknowingly taught me a lot.
Then, during my time in Miami from 2017 to 2021, I had the privilege of meeting countless solo-entrepreneurs. I encountered people engaged in various businesses, enjoying their work, and making a living out of it. It was incredibly inspiring because, once again, these individuals were just like you and me—ordinary people I could relate to. And it made me wonder, 'If they can do it, why couldn't I?'
It's fascinating how one's perspective can change when they meet 'the right people.' Choose your circle wisely, as the impact it can have on your life can be TREMENDOUS!