“What am I grateful for?”
I try to ask myself this question regularly. It’s a great exercise.
Since 2018, when I got into self-development, I’ve read and heard countless times about the power of journaling. I’ve tried many times, using notebooks and apps, but never managed to stick with it for more than a few weeks.
In summer 2023, I discovered an app called Daylio, which allows you to track your mood daily, and add other metrics to see what impacts your mood positively or negatively. I started on August 1st, and since then, I haven’t missed a day. It’s easy and quick—just open the app, tap some pre-defined info, and that’s it. I also write a couple of sentences about my day.
Now that I’ve locked in the habit, I created a template to organize my journaling section: What did you do today? How did you feel? What are you grateful for? I’ve been answering those questions daily for weeks now.
I try to come up with new things each day and challenge myself to avoid repeating the same answers. But I’ve noticed a pattern around three recurring themes:
• Rosie (my wife)
• My freedom
• My overall health
🙋♀️ Rosie
I’m incredibly grateful for my wife and the relationship we share. I met Rosie at 22, and her support has been immeasurable. Without her, I doubt I’d be where I am today—she’s been instrumental in so much, including me learning English and stepping away from a more traditional life path.
🪽 My freedom
This one often surprises me, but I’m very aware of the privilege I have in my life. Some aspects are out of my control, like where I was born, my ethnicity, and the education I received. But some aspects I’ve worked hard for, like the choices I made to live the way I do. I’m grateful for the freedom to design my days, live where I want, make spontaneous decisions, and live with flexibility. This freedom doesn’t require tons of cash—it’s about the choices I’ve made.
🩺 My overall health
I’m grateful for my physical, mental, and emotional health. I didn’t prioritize it in my twenties, but since turning 30, I’ve learned a lot about the importance of health. My mantra from a self-development course in 2020 is: “I don’t want my body or health to stop me from doing anything I want.” This mindset helps me stay healthy and navigate difficult times. We only have one body and one brain, and taking care of them is crucial for achieving the life I want.
Do you ever reflect on what you’re grateful for? What are the most important aspects of your life? Feel free to share in the comments if you feel inspired.