This post is a bit different from my usual ones—more personal than business-focused—but I hope it still brings value on the topic of personal growth.
About a month ago, my wife Rosie launched Healing After Infant Loss, a website, YouTube channel, and social media accounts dedicated to breaking the taboo around infant loss and supporting those going through it—mainly women for now—in overcoming these difficult situations and healing.
We’ve been together for 14 years, married for 9, and have experienced four pregnancy and infant losses (three miscarriages and one late-term abortion). To this day, we don’t have a living child, and for now, it’s not part of our plans.
The reasons I’m sharing this today are:
📣 Shoutout to Rosie. I’m incredibly proud of her for starting this. It’s not easy to talk about these things, and she’s gone through some very dark times herself, feeling alone during each loss. Today, she wants to help others who feel helpless, hopeless, and isolated. I encourage you to visit her website and social platforms. She has a big vision for this project, and I’m certain it can help many women out there.
❤️🩹 There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. We all go through tough times for different reasons. When we’re in a dark place, it can feel impossible to see an end to it or believe things will get better. But remember, “this too shall pass” and “nothing lasts forever.” These mantras can remind us that everything is temporary—both the bad and the good.
This applies to everything in life, both personal and professional. Life is a cycle of ups and downs. What matters is how we respond to these events, how we react. We’re often stronger than we think and have more control than we realize. But it can be incredibly hard to see that when we’re deep in despair. It may take time, but eventually, we do come out the other side, sometimes even stronger.
That’s what happened to us. In 2017, after the abortion, we felt hopeless for months. But eventually, we decided we needed a change to move forward—and that’s when the opportunity to move to Miami came up. I wish things had happened differently, but I also recognize that without this tragic event, I wouldn’t be where I am today. It’s a strange thought, honestly.
Recently, I was watching a presentation on Post-Traumatic Growth from Adrian Molina for Warrior Flow School, and one quote really stuck with me:
“You have to know that Post-Traumatic Growth exists in order for it to happen. You have to know it’s okay for good things to happen after really bad things.”
That’s why I’m sharing this message. There is another side, there is a light—and I deeply believe that. And it’s okay to find happiness after something terrible has happened. Don’t feel guilty for “moving on” and for finding peace. It doesn’t mean you forgot what happened; it just means you’ve grown beyond it.
If you know someone who could benefit from this support, consider sharing it with them 🙏